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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

X100s drive home in rain

Who says every photo needs to be sharp? For this shoot I shot the whole series whilst stuck in a traffic jam (not driving!!!), set the camera to program mode, with the occasional manual focus for low light issues, and just thought about capturing some great light. Yes even a boring car trip home can be made into an interesting shoot. All shot in jpegs, post processing in Nik Software with Perfectly Clear, most shot in f2, ISO 800 and above. Enjoy. More at 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

X100s captures Sydney morning

Grabbed the x100s this morning with gorilla pod and headed down to High Street wharf North Sydney to capture some sunrise over the water. A little late to get the really early light, but tried some ND filter useage and ISO 100 settings on f8 to see what it would look like. all processed in PSE 10 with Nik Software and Perfectly Clear. Easy and not time consuming. All jpeg files.  Now you know why so many people from the cold northern hemisphere love settling in Australia. Enjoy.